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A local lady who received a shocking diagnosis at age 44 calls for routine mammograms



Little Rock, Arkansas – During this Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a Searcy mother is encouraging Arkansans to seek the care they require.

Breast cancer survivor Anne Eldridge stated, “I was really surprised.” “I’m 44 years old, no family history.”

Anne Eldridge received a diagnosis that would change her life following an annual mammography. Her diagnosis was breast cancer.

Breast cancer will be diagnosed in one out of every eight women.

I was diagnosed with grade 2 invasive ductal cancer. I got an MRI after that, and they discovered another area with the same type of cancer,” she said.

Eldridge was treated at CARTI’s Breast Center. Early screenings are considered essential there.

“We are certain that early detection has been shown to save lives,” stated Brooke Pryor, CARTI Breast Center’s vice president of business development.

According to Pryor, testing should begin at age 40, and for some people, even younger.

“Anywhere from women over 40 who don’t currently have a family history or risk factor. Naturally, they begin before the age of forty for a lot of women.

Eldridge is currently in remission following a double mastectomy and a year of treatment. Her goal is to save lives with her tale.

“It doesn’t matter if you have a family history or not—you need to prioritize your health and get a mammogram,” said Eldridge.

In Russellville, North Little Rock, Little Rock, and Pine Bluff, CARTI is expanding its hours in October and accepting appointments on Saturday mornings.




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