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Central Arkansas Library System to host Used Book Sale



Little Rock, Arkansas – From the 11th to the 13th of July, the Central Arkansas Library System will participate in a CALS Used Book Sale that will take place at the Port Industrial Hub.

Paperbacks will be sold for one dollar, while hardcovers will be sold for two dollars. The books will be available for purchase.

Educators who present their identification can obtain an additional discount of twenty-five percent.

From ten in the morning until two in the afternoon on July 12 and 13, the book sale will be open to the general public. On July 11, however, it will only be open to donors and members of the Former Friends of CALS from three in the afternoon until five in the evening.

“The CALS Used Book Sale continues to be one of our most popular programs as it offers a service to the community and provides funds that help support other library programs,” Lily Kauffman, CALS Development Specialist said. “We’ve enjoyed seeing the support and enthusiasm for the sale continue at our new location.”

The CALS Foundation will receive all of the funds that are raised from the book sale in order to support various library programs and events, including the Six Bridges Book Festival, Summer @ CALS, book club kits, grants to all CALS library branches, and other library initiatives.

It is possible to make donations at any CALS branch other than the Main Library and the Roberts Library while they are undergoing renovations.

Call the number 501-918-3000 to obtain additional information regarding the sale. You can send an email to [email protected] to volunteer at the sale.



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