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Officer Norman influencing one generation after another



North Little, Rock, Arkansas – Since 1998, Tommy Norman has been a police officer with the North Little Rock Police Department, gaining recognition as a viral social media officer. Throughout his career, he has experienced numerous surreal moments, including witnessing his friend Carter grow up.

“It’s fascinating to witness the evolution of generations of kids,” Norman remarked.
Carter’s mother is Alexus Johnson. Norman played a significant role in her upbringing, and now he continues to support her son.

“As a child, I really looked up to Officer Norman and wanted to emulate him,” Johnson stated.
Officer Norman recently visited the Johnson family to spend time with Carter.

The Johnsons call Norman “Uncle Tommy.”

“Becoming an uncle means you receive invitations to birthday parties, football games, and graduations,” Norman remarked.

However, those invitations required time and effort to be obtained. Officer Norman, having known this family for years, has established access to all three areas: the front yard, the front porch, and the interior of the home.

Norman aims to demonstrate to children like Carter that police officers are just everyday individuals.

“When you are authentic and true, they can sense the essence of your heart,” he stated.


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