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The director of Little Rock City wants to alter car policies in response to the waste yard incident



Little Rock, Arkansas – For the purpose of collecting yard garbage around the Capital City, Mayor Frank Scott Jr. mandated overtime for the Public Works and Fleet Departments.

The delays were caused by a lack of operational trucks, but new ones have been ordered. Many, including Kathy Webb, concurred that the issue might have been prevented, and municipal director Virgil Miller is currently implementing a change.

“I think we need to have a fleet maintenance replacement program going forward so we don’t have to be in this situation again in a few years,” Miller stated.

In order to prevent another setback, he is now working to modify the city’s truck replacement program, and he is open about his feelings when people are upset about how the city is handling waste.

Miller remarked, “I don’t take it as hostile when people share their concerns with you and are candid about it; I just think that’s people being passionate about it.”

He takes great satisfaction in listening to and accepting criticism from others. Little Rock Neighborhoods Coalition president Kathy Wells expressed her satisfaction with Miller’s response.

“I’m glad he acknowledged the same shortcomings that we do,” Webb remarked.

And now, with Wells’s confidence in the policy shift, they feel it’s ready to move forward.

Wells said, “We appreciate good government, and learning to appreciate all the elements that the directors must weigh in repairing for a decent vehicle rotation and replacement program is only good government.”


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