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The number of copper thefts in North Little Rock is rising



North Little Rock, Arkansas – Lately, the City of North Little Rock has seen an increase in copper thefts.
A number of departments in the state and the nation are addressing the growing frequency of these offenses, including North Little Rock Electric.

“We’ve had 10-15 instances in the last couple of weeks,” Keith McCourt, Director of Administrative Services with North Little Rock Electric.

However, why precisely are these criminals aiming for copper? According to McCourt, criminals are taking copper from nearby buildings and streetlights to resell at scrap yards.

The thefts are becoming more egregious; one occurred recently in Dickey-Stephens Park.
Even though McCourt stated that the thieves will only get “pennies on the dollar” from the copper, the city may have to incur significant costs as a result of having to make a settlement.

“Just Dickey-Stephens alone is, with material and man hours and everything, that’s going to cost us $40,000-$50,000 to replace,” McCourt said.

These actions put people in the neighborhood as well as the ones cutting the line and stealing the copper in danger.

“The safety concern with it all is, of course, street lights not being on at night,” McCourt said, “They’re leaving live wires just sitting there for the public to walk right past.”

These thefts have become more common in North Little Rock lately; one was very recently found Friday morning close to Lynch Drive. However, it’s not limited to North Little Rock.

Two suspected copper thieves were taken into custody by the Pine Bluff Police Department (PBPD) on Thursday. To stop this pattern from continuing, officials are asking the public to report any suspicious activity.

According to PBPD Lt. Deshawn Bennett, criminals once melted plastic in order to access the copper cables. Although Pine Bluff police have identified the perpetrators, a North Little Rock investigation is still proceeding.

“Other city agencies, police and everything, are working very hard to try to figure out who’s doing this and stop them,” McCourt said.

North Little Rock Police are offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to an arrest. If you see or know anything, you can call the North Little Rock Police Department tip line at 501-680-8439.


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