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The supervisor of the Dub Brassell Adult Detention Center was exposed to possible fentanyl lacing



Jefferson County, Arkansas – Lieutenant Keaira Hawkins, a supervisor at the Dub Brassell Adult Detention Center (DBDC), was sorting the mail of the inmates who had been brought to the facility on January 31 when she unexpectedly passed out and was resuscitated by the jail staff.

Because of Lieutenant Hawkins’ response, the center thinks the documents she was reviewing might have contained fentanyl.

This idea, meanwhile, can only be confirmed if the records are sent to the Arkansas State Crime Laboratory for examination.

Following that, Lieutenant Hawkins was taken to Jefferson Regional Medical Center, where she is currently under observation as a precaution.

Thank you for keeping Lieutenant Hawkins safe. The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office (JCSO) hopes she recovers completely.

Additionally, they wish to warn the public that these are the risks that deputies and jail guards deal with every day because many of them try to bring illegal items into the facility.

Attempts to enter the country illegally can be made in person as well as by seemingly innocuous means like packages and envelopes.

JCSO wants the public to be aware that the investigation is still underway and that any suspects will be apprehended if they are found.


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