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There is a six-cent increase in gas prices in Arkansas



Little Rock, Arkansas – This week, drivers in Arkansas will pay a little more to fill up their gas tanks.

The AAA Arkansas Weekend Gas Watch reports that the average price of regular unleaded gasoline in the state is at $2.78 per gallon.

That is 13 cents more than it was a year ago and six cents more than it was last week.

At $2.85 per gallon, West Memphis had the highest average gas price, while Pine Bluff had the lowest, at $2.69.

However, recent data shows that crude oil prices have fluctuated over the previous week, raising doubts about how long this rising trend will last, AAA said.

West Texas Intermediate crude oil was trading at $75.51 on Thursday. This is $3 less per barrel than last week, but more than $2 more per barrel than it was at the start of the year.

“Historically, shifting supply and demand have led to fluctuations in crude oil prices during colder temperatures,” AAA stated.











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